Fraud Hotline

Report Fraud!

If you have information about fraud, waste, abuse or mismanagement, as well as other crimes or violations of City and State laws, rules, and regulations, relating to the City of Payson and its programs and operations, you may report it here. Such information includes allegations concerning contracts, grants, public corruption, conflict of interest, and other criminal or serious non-criminal misconduct involving employees, contractors/sub-contractors, and grantees/sub-grantees.

You may submit your report to us here on this page.

The more information you provide, the better we will be able to determine appropriate measures to address your concerns.

If possible, you should include information that answers the following questions:

Who committed the wrongdoing (name of person, company or organization), who may have been a victim, and who may be a witness?
What exactly did the person, company or organization do?
Where did the wrongdoing take place?
When did the wrongdoing happen?
Why did the person, company, or organization commit the wrongdoing?