Ryan Rowley

Ryan Rowley

Payson City holds such a special place in my heart and memories, born and raised here and in West Mountain, I moved away for short time to attend Weber State University.  I met my wonderful wife while at school.  I have been dependent on Payson City for my childhood memories and now my children’s memories as my wife Kara and I raise our children here.   I rely on this area for my way of life as a Realtor helping people buy or sell homes to make memories and often I get to help Payson City residents in that process.  I am also a Cherry Farmer.  I am so grateful for agriculture and Payson Fruit Growers. 

I worship Christ, work, play, and live in Payson.  I realize from nearly every aspect how the decisions made, or not made in Payson city hall impact our daily life, because I am here everyday all day.  I served on the Payson City Planning Commission.  I am grateful for this experience and for the wonderful people that work for Payson City that I’ve been able to rub shoulders with.  I feel the need to continue to serve and give some of my time back to the city and residents.  I will focus on us, the Payson City residents and businesses owners. 

I will ensure that your concerns and voices are heard. It is tight for a lot of families right now, I will ensure that residents, including those on fixed incomes are looked after and regularly brought into the conversations. I will ask the tough questions, listen, observe, and always do my homework and vote for what is best and right.  Payson is in flux and change, but progress must always follow common sense, including the infrastructure , water, and best use for a given area. Land use matters! I will honor Payson’s past while protecting its future.  Please consider voting for me so we can protect and improve our City, our way of life, personal freedoms, and have Progress with Patience. 


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